提交美国邮政总局® refund request (including fees or postage), you'll need proof of purchase. You may need one or all of the following when you request a refund:
- 追踪号码
- 购买收据
- 带照片的身份证(如本人)
了解有关申请国内美国邮政总局退款的更多信息. (To file a claim for insured mail that was lost, damaged, or missing contents, see 提交美国邮政总局索赔:国内.)
For 特快专递 Items Addressed to or from Alaska and Hawaii: 截至8月1日, 2023, 美国邮政总局 will no longer process refund requests for guaranteed service on these items. 对于损失的退款请求仍将被处理. 阅读更多
您可以要求退款优先快件® 物品和某些额外的在线十大网堵平台.
你可以亲自到邮局申请退款™ 位置.
业务es applying 要求退款 online may upload files with up to 1,000 individual 美国邮政总局 跟踪® 数字.
Approved refunds are paid in different ways depending on the service and how you applied.
- 批准的在线退款将通过邮件收到支票.
- Approved refunds that were requested at the Post Office will be refunded in cash, 检查, 或者汇票.
- Approved Click-N-Ship refunds are credited to the original payment account.
- 业务 customers who applied 要求退款 online will be refunded by 检查, 没有打回他们的账户.
如果你的退款只是部分支付或被拒绝, you may file a dispute within 30 days of receiving the decision.